Leader or Manager is not the identical thing. Leader always has a long terms vision and Managers was focused on current affairs. Leaders were thinking
beyond the boundaries. Managers are crucial for Organizations environment but Leaders
are needed for organization growth. Leaders are developers and Managers are Maintainer.
Some of the following Facts between Leaders and Managers.
Managers is a Copy of Leaders
Leaders were focused on People Behavior and Managers were focused on Systems.
Leaders has Long-Terms Prospective, Managers has Short-Terms Prospective.
Managers order how and when, leaders request what and why.
Leaders make the people to follow, Managers Order to follow.
Managers demand things, Leaders arrange things.
Perhaps there was a time to accept the different between Manager and Leaders. Companies need Managers and Leaders. Leader is a Brain and Manager is a Backbone.
Some of the following Facts between Leaders and Managers.
Managers is a Copy of Leaders
Leaders were focused on People Behavior and Managers were focused on Systems.
Managers Order, Leaders Request.
Leaders has Long-Terms Prospective, Managers has Short-Terms Prospective.
Managers order how and when, leaders request what and why.
Leaders make the people to follow, Managers Order to follow.
Managers demand things, Leaders arrange things.
Perhaps there was a time to accept the different between Manager and Leaders. Companies need Managers and Leaders. Leader is a Brain and Manager is a Backbone.
Very Nicely written.... very informative